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Santa Bob & Mrs. Rebecca Claus
Santa Bob & Mrs. Rebecca Claus
Get to Know Santa
NYA Santa Bob is a real bearded member of the MN North Star Santa's. Our speciality is making the moments magical, fun, full of joy, and positively memorable for children of all ages. We know the power of Santa transcends all ages. NYA Santa Bob is available for corporate events, family parties, home visits, parades, private parties, and meals with Santa. Mrs. Claus is available with Santa and for cookie decorating and reading events. Mrs. Claus is also available to help out other Santa's requiring a Mrs. Claus. Since we are still busy at the North Pole Monday through Friday daytime hours, we are available nights and weekends. We are willing to consider any events within 125 miles of Waconia, MN. Please email or call the Head Elf at 612-772-1855.