Mission Statement:
It is our mission to spread love, hope, and joy wherever Santa and the Merry Makers go. Touching lives, one smile at a time.
The Minnesota North Star Santas began as a small group of 25 in 1996. They started an organization of men and women who live in Minnesota, and portray Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Elves, and helpers. Santas can be either real bearded or designer bearded because it is what is in our hearts that matters. In 2012 the group became a Limited Liability Company.
On 7/24/2024 the company filed and was designated as a Minnesota nonprofit company. We have also filed and awaiting designation for our 501c3 nonprofit designation. We have a Board of Directors that represent the group. We are an all-volunteer group. Our members have an annual background check and are insured.
We believe in “The Santa Claus Oath”
I will seek knowledge to be well versed in the mysteries of bringing Christmas cheer and good will to all the people that I encounter in my journeys and travels.
I shall be dedicated to hearing the secret dreams of both children and adults.
I understand that the true and only gift I can give, as Santa, is myself.
I acknowledge that some of the requests I will hear will be difficult and sad. I know in these difficulties there lays an opportunity to bring a spirit of warmth, understanding and compassion.
I know the “real reason for the season” and know that I am blessed to be able to be a part of it.
I realize that I belong to a brotherhood and will be supportive, honest and show fellowship to my peers.
I promise to use “my” powers to create happiness, spread love and make fantasies come to life in the true and sincere tradition of the Santa Claus Legend.
I pledge myself to these principles as a descendent of St. Nicholas the gift giver of Myra.
– Phillip L. Wenz
The contents, words and descriptions of the Santa Claus Oath are copyrighted under an attachment with Arcadia Publishing 2008 by Phillip L. Wenz.
ISBN # 978-0-7385-4149-5
LCCC†# 2007925452
The Santa Claus Oath is also protected and registered with Creative Commons License 2008 by Phillip L. Wenz